Tanjungpinang is the Capital City of Riau Province of Archipelago who contain many culture and history band being a Administrtive City of industrial sector. The one is sector of printing and CV. Pinang Advertising is a one this. The hard rivalry make CV. Pinang Advertising must be creative to make a promotions to get more customers and make benefit for them. The one of way is make an advertising of them to a newspaper and brochure is a promotion media to get more benefit. The objective of this description is fir make a description, image, and systematic portrait, factual, and accurate about the fact, characteristic and relationship about researching a thing. From the explanation of that, the writer have a variable x for the thesis, that is Influence of print media (brochure) and variable Y that is selling level in this research and using statistic description method to research some human, an object, a set of conditions, a mind system or event for present. In this research, there some analysis which used to this research. It named Simple Linear Regression. To survey how big influence between one dependent variable and to predict a variable using independent variable with standard variable like likerts scale. Using a Very Agree -5, Agree -4, Neutral -3, Disagree -2, Very Disagree-1.From the explanations before, the writer can make a conclusion that brochure can’t influence the benefit of CV. Pinang Advertising and have a relationship between advertising with selling level, because the research from the writer who make experiment from two variables is a 0,098. If a relationship call tight if a Correlation Coefficient Value near 1 digit and significant value between >0.05. So the writer can explain that brochure make a benefit to CV. Pinang Advertising.
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