• Herdiansyah Amanu Universitas Sumatera Selatan
  • Desy Misnawati Universitas Bina Darma
  • Erik Asmara Universitas Sumatera Selatan
Keywords: Communication technology, information, management, mass media


Advances in information and communication technology now bring changes to the management of mass media. Media people are truly spoiled by the existence of communication technology devices such as computers, internet access, multimedia devices, telecommunications such as smartphones, teleconferences, faxes and so on that are very supportive in operating mass media. The impact involves at least 4 aspects or functions of management, namely planning, organizing, implementing, controlling. In the aspect of planning, media organizations must make careful technological planning to anticipate the trends and complexity of the mass media. In organizing, media organizations must design strategies to organize the operation and use of media technology that has been formulated. In implementation, media organizations must implement programs to utilize media technology appropriately. In controlling the media technology used, it must be done to ensure that the entire process of using media technology is on target. The findings show that communication technology has a significant impact on the management of mass media, where communication technology strongly supports media people in managing mass media.


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How to Cite
Amanu, H., Misnawati, D., & Asmara, E. (2019). IMPLIKASI TEKNOLOGI KOMUNIKASI TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN MEDIA. Jurnal Inovasi, 12(2), 102–112.
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