• Adli Adli Universitas Sumatera Selatan
  • Erik Asmara Universitas Sumatera Selatan
  • Desy Misnawati Universitas Bina Darma
Keywords: Communication ethics, village leader, behavior


Leadership is the center of attention in every community. Every move he does gets the attention of his subordinates so that if there are advantages and disadvantages, then this will have an impact on behavior change for the community, be it in the form of ethics, personality, and behavior. This research was conducted to compare the communication ethics of Seulangai and Meunara village leaders and their influence on changes in community behavior. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and observation. The results showed that the communication ethics of the leader was very influential on the behavior of the village people they lead. Leaders who do not understand the ethics of communication with their communities will not be able to form synergistic behavior of supportive funds in village development activities. This is a picture of what happened to the Seulangai village. In contrast to the conditions in Meunara Village, which is experiencing rapid development in improving the welfare and independence of the community by the support of leaders who have good communication ethics for their people.


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How to Cite
Adli, A., Asmara, E., & Misnawati, D. (2019). ETIKA KOMUNIKASI PEMIMPIN DAN PERUBAHAN PERILAKU MASYARAKAT DESA. Jurnal Inovasi, 13(1), 59–68.
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