• Nyimas Sopiah Universitas Bina Darma
  • Muhammad Theda Amanda Universitas Bina Darma
  • Muhammad Theda Aminto Universitas Bina Darma
  • Alfi Brilian Al Mubarokah Universitas Bina Darma
  • Yusriah Herawati Universitas Bina Darma
Keywords: Application, Online Testin, Web Engineering


Palembang Bhakti Nusantara High School is one of the High Schools (SMA) that has used information technology in certain activities. Palembang's Bhakti Nusantara High School utilizes technology to facilitate teaching and learning by applying the Online Examination. At present, the exam still conducts tests using paper so that there is a need for further development to help and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of performance carried out in accordance with the business processes that run at the Bhakti Nusantara Palembang High School. This Online Examination is used to facilitate the management of master data needed to support the examination activities and the management of exam master data values. The software development method used is the web engineering method. This Online Examination implementation uses PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and MySQL Database Management System (DBMS).


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How to Cite
Sopiah, N., Amanda, M., Aminto, M., Al Mubarokah, A., & Herawati, Y. (2020). APLIKASI UJIAN ONLINE BERBASIS WEB DI SMA BHAKTI NUSANTARA PALEMBANG. Jurnal Ilmiah Matrik, 22(1), 110–121. https://doi.org/10.33557/jurnalmatrik.v22i1.851
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