Strategi Penjualan Batako UKM Areta Agung Agung Dengan Marketing Mix Dan Produktivitas Parsial

  • Yoseph Tulus Adi W Teknik Industri-Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi-Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
  • Dominikus Budiarto Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
Keywords: Market Share, Internal and External Factor, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix, Parsial Productivity


Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) of Areta Agung is a brick-and-mortar SME in the city of Palembang. The purpose is to increase the productivity of brick sales. The results based on sales data Market Share as much as 24%. Before improving the strategy formulate external and internal factors. Externally using benchmarking data, namely the comparison of similar SME factors and internal results from brainstorming, namely data obtained from the results of SME of Areta Agung. In this study SWOT analysis is used to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats faced by SME. After that, the SWOT matrix generates an improvement strategy, which is then improved using the Marketing Mix (4P). Its implementation includes products, namely receiving services outside of operations. Price is the addition of price variations for shipping outside the city. Promotion, namely making online sales advertisements, sales promotions, publicity, personal selling. The place is to add a building depot subscription. The results obtained by Partial Productivity before preparation were 0.565.

Author Biography

Dominikus Budiarto, Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas

Teknik Industri


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How to Cite
Y. Adi W and D. Budiarto, “Strategi Penjualan Batako UKM Areta Agung Agung Dengan Marketing Mix Dan Produktivitas Parsial”, jtekno, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 39–50, Nov. 2021.
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