Unjuk Kerja Over Current Relay Pada Incoming dan Outgoing Transformer Daya #1 60 MVA Gardu Induk Kenten menggunakan ETAP 19.0.1

  • Anton Firmansyah Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • Andri Suyadi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • M Bintang Satriaoktarian Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
Keywords: Kenten Substation, OCR, Volvo Feeder, ETAP



 The Kenten substation is part of the unitary distribution of electricity transmission where there are equipment such as switchgear, transformers, protection equipment, and control equipment. The Kenten substation functions as a receiver for supply from high voltage to the distribution medium voltage system to be distributed to consumers. An electric power system can experience disturbances from inside or outside the substation, including damage to the generator, broken conductors, short circuit disturbances due to lightning strikes. Therefore, the electric power system has safety equipment to secure the equipment from interference and avoid damage. With the protection system does not hinder the distribution of electric power to the load. Based on the data received, there have been several disturbances to the feeder, including in March 2021 there has been a short-circuit fault in the volvo feeder in the electrical system of PT. PLN (Persero) substation Kenten UPT Palembang Short-circuit faults of these phases can result in a transformer that results in blackouts throughout the feeder connected to the transformer. Disturbances that occur in the electrical system of the Kenten Substation, especially in this feeder, make the OCR protection system on the feeder work to protect the equipment at the substation from damage.

Author Biographies

Andri Suyadi, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Teknik Elektro

M Bintang Satriaoktarian, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Teknik Elektro



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How to Cite
A. Firmansyah, A. Suyadi, and M. Satriaoktarian, “Unjuk Kerja Over Current Relay Pada Incoming dan Outgoing Transformer Daya #1 60 MVA Gardu Induk Kenten menggunakan ETAP 19.0.1”, jtekno, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 01–10, Apr. 2022.
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