Alat Pengukur Tinggi Badan, Berat Badan, Dan Suhu Badan Digital Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik, Load Cell, Dan Inframerah Mlx90614

  • Festian Yanuar Saputra Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • M. Saleh Al Amin
  • Perawati .
Keywords: Arduino Nano, Ultrasonic Sensor, Load Cell Sensor, Mlx90614 Sensor


Digitally measuring height, weight, and human body temperature based on Arduino nano, ultrasonic (proximity sensor), Load Cell (weight sensor), and Mlx90614 (temperature sensor) is a tool that serves to measure and get the value of a sensor quantity on a person's body based on certain units. The working principle of this tool is based on ultrasonic reflected light, the pressure of an object, and infrared radiation. The system design includes the working principle of ultrasonic sensors, load cells, Mlx90614, arduino nano, 16x2 lcd + i2c lcd, lm2596 step down module. This device circuit system is a circuit capable of changing a length, weight, and temperature so that it can be processed and displayed in the form of an electrical system. The process of change is by converting distance, weight, and temperature into analog voltages, after going through the signal conditioning process by amplifying, the analog voltage is converted into digital data. The digital data obtained is then processed by Arduino and displayed. The results of the performance of this tool have an average measurement error of 1.16% for measuring height, -0.69% for measuring weight, and 4.35% for measuring body temperature.

Keywords:  Arduino Nano, Ultrasonic Sensor, Load Cell Sensor, Mlx90614 Sensor.

How to Cite
F. Saputra, M. S. Al Amin, and P. ., “Alat Pengukur Tinggi Badan, Berat Badan, Dan Suhu Badan Digital Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik, Load Cell, Dan Inframerah Mlx90614”, jtekno, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 60–67, Apr. 2022.
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