smart sistem kontrol penggunaan air pdam dengan monitor biaya dan pematauan kekeruhan air berbasis iot

  • M. Hardiansyah universitas bina darma
Keywords: PDAM , flowmeter , ultrasonic sensor , turbidtity sensor, cost of using water


All living things, but humans in particular, need water, which is a very important and essential need. This study aims to design and implement an intelligent system that uses flow meters, ultrasonic sensors, and turbidity sensors in PDAM water systems to monitor and control water usage in a sustainable manner. efficient. This system is able to measure water discharge, water level in the tub, and water turbidity, as well as calculate the cost of using water based on the data collected. With this system, it is hoped that it can improve PDAM operational efficiency, reduce water wastage, and provide relevant information in managing water use. In conclusion, the proposed intelligent control system incorporates IoT technology to improve water resource management. By enabling real-time monitoring of water consumption, costing and monitoring of water quality, these systems can be an important step towards more efficient and sustainable water use in urban environments.


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How to Cite
M. Hardiansyah, “smart sistem kontrol penggunaan air pdam dengan monitor biaya dan pematauan kekeruhan air berbasis iot”, jtekno, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 11–22, Jul. 2024.
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