• Alessandro Septiano W Universitas Katolik AtmaJaya
  • Theresia Gozali Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
Keywords: wireless sensor network, NRF 24L01, audio data, arduino


Internet of Things (IoT) as part of a wireless sensor that requires data transmission with a frequency band of 15 kHz can use the NRF 24L01 device. In this paper we will see the ability of NRF 24L01 devices for sending audio data .  Transmission of audio data requires a transmitter and receiver (transceiver) with low power consumption. The NRF24L01 wireless communication module has the Ultra Low Power (ULP) feature, so it can last a long time with relatively low power consumption. This design can function optimally in a limited area, such as in 1 room. Audio data sent from the sending device (arduino and NRF 24L01) will be received by the receiving device (arduino and  NRF24L01), then it is converted to loudspeakers . Test results show good quality Audio data can be heard at a distance of 10 m.

Author Biographies

Alessandro Septiano W, Universitas Katolik AtmaJaya

Electrical Engineering

Theresia Gozali, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Elektrical engineering


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How to Cite
A. W and T. Gozali, “NRF 24L01 SEBAGAI PEMANCAR/PENERIMA UNTUK WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK”, jtekno, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 26–34, Apr. 2020.
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