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Marini Rehanisafira
Afnita Afnita


Abstract: This research is motivated by the simple, generous and active life on social media Dedi Mulyadi when he was a Member of the DPR RI, so the researchers wanted to analyze the pattern of political communication in the Instagram social media of the DPR RI Member. The purpose of this study was to analyze the pattern of choice of speech code of Dedi Mulyadi in political communication on Instagram social media. Political communication can be done by using the choice of speech code according to its purpose and function. Data is collected by listening, recording, and note-taking methods. In carrying out the listening method, the tapping technique is applied as the basic technique. Then it is continued with advanced techniques in the form of free listening and conversation techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the equivalent method, contextual method, and was carried out using mark-up reading techniques. Based on the results of data analysis, Dedi Mulyadi uses the choice of speech code as a communication need according to the function of his speech. The form of choice of speech code used varies. The pattern of choice of speech code for Dedi Mulyadi as a Member of the DPR RI in political communication on social media Instagram is classified into two parts, namely based on the relationship between participants and the surrounding situation. Dedi Mulyadi in making the choice of speech code has various patterns with the dominant patterns that appear based on participant relationships, namely vertical patterns and informal patterns.


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How to Cite
Rehanisafira, M., & Afnita, A. (2021). POLA KOMUNIKASI POLITIK PADA AKUN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM DEDI MULYADI PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLINGUISTIK. Jurnal Ilmiah Bina Bahasa, 14(2), 151–160. https://doi.org/10.33557/binabahasa.v14i2.1517