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Speaking is one of the problematic aspects of language learning for the teacher to help them more actively engaged during the teaching-learning process. However, studies show that choosing the right teaching strategy and media can overcome student’s speaking difficulties. One of the strategies chosen in this research is teaching spoof text storytelling. This study aims to describe how the storytelling of spoof text can improve students’ achievement in speaking skill for eleventh-graders. The method used is classroom action research following Kemmis & Taggart’s model with the procedures of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The study was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two meetings, and the result of the study showed significant improvement of students’ active participation in classroom and fluency in speech. Most of the students obtained higher scores at the end of the research cycle. It proves that the use of storytelling of spoof text can improve students’s speaking skill. The finding of this study implies the need of English teacher's creativity to support the student's speaking skill by using interesting learning materials and strategies
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