This thesis entitled "Social Construction of PUNK spectacular clubs in Palembang City". The purpose of this study was to find out about the social construction of PUNK spectacular club in Palembang city in social reality. This research uses social construction theory on reality of Peter L. Berger and Thomas luckmann, and descriptive qualitative research method with data collection technique from observation, interview, literature study, and documentation. In this study the object of research is the social reality of PUNK spectacular clubs in Palembang city, as a form of their social construction. The interviewees will be Rama Bisma and Moehammad Setiawan as core members of PUNK's spectacular club, and Ade Kartika as spectators of every activity performed by the PUNK spectacular clubs in palembang city. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the PUNK spectacular clubs in the city of Palembang formed their social construction by creating a reality in a continuous way. The social reality which created by PUNK Spektakel Clubs in Palembang City regularly makes musical performances, campaigns against smoke, invites people together not to rape, campaigns save the cinde market, distributes free foods and drinks. They have a discussion session together. They sells a handmade product made by themselves. The way they communicate is polite in everyday life. Black clothes become a symbol for their feelings and tastes.
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