Evaluation of Fatigue Risk, Subjective Fatigue, and Work Motivation Level of Intercity Bus Driver

  • Rida Zuraida Universitas Bina Nusantara
Keywords: Fatigue likelihood score (FLS), Intercity bus driver, Subjective fatigue, Work motivation


In Indonesia, the bus is one of the affordable transportation for intercity/province routes. However, there are accident risks faced by bus drivers related to fatigue caused by inadequate rest and sleep. The objective of this study is to assess the bus driver fatigue risks level, accompanied by work motivation and subjective fatigue. Using the convenience sampling method, 300 intercity bus drivers from 12 bus companies (male, age between 25-68 years old (44.06 ± 9.83)) agree to involve in the study. Fatigue risk level was estimated by fatigue likelihood score (FLS) which indicated by driving tasks hours and the rest time opportunity. Work motivation and subjective fatigue were measured using 20 questions. The FLS result has a range between 13-39 (scale 0-40) or the risks are categorized into medium to very high. The major finding in this study, while a fatigue risks were relatively high, the subjective fatigue level were low to medium, and work motivations were medium to somewhat high. Statistical test showed that work motivation has a significant correlation with fatigue risks (p < 0.05; r = -0.139), but not with a subjective fatigue level.


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How to Cite
R. Zuraida, “Evaluation of Fatigue Risk, Subjective Fatigue, and Work Motivation Level of Intercity Bus Driver”, jtekno, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 82–89, Dec. 2022.
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