Selection of Charging Station Location based on Sustainability Perspective using AHP Method

  • Era Febriana Aqidawati Bina Nusantara University
  • Roikhanatun Nafi'ah Bina Nusantara University
Keywords: electric vehicle, charging station, location selection, sustainability, AHP


The acceleration of electric vehicle (EV) development in Indonesia to support energy and environmental sustainability has taken over and attracted the attention of many parties. Various policies, programs, and research outputs have made the public aware of EVs. However, the availability of charging stations (CS) in the community and the optimal placement are matters of great concern as CS is an essential infrastructure that enhances EV development. Therefore, to support sustainable urban development, CS location selection must consider a sustainability perspective in decision-making. In this study, we employed Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assess the best placement of CS in Surakarta based on a sustainability perspective. Ten sub-criteria were identified based on a literature review to establish a hierarchy structure of the problem. We distributed a questionnaire to five experts in different fields to assess the importance scale for each sub-criteria and five alternatives location. The priority value and rank of each sub-criteria and alternative were generated. We found that CS 1 obtains the highest-ranking of preferable sites. The level of water and vegetation damage, service capacity, and impact on society are the most critical parameters that must be considered carefully in choosing a CS location. This study supplements literature for location selection and the application of the AHP method.

How to Cite
E. Aqidawati and R. Nafi’ah, “Selection of Charging Station Location based on Sustainability Perspective using AHP Method”, jtekno, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 24–39, Jun. 2023.
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