• fifian permata sari university of baturaja
  • Munajat Munajat
Keywords: Feasibility study, ornamental plant business, pandemic Covid


The ornamental plant business is a very profitable and promising venture, made even more so by the fact that there is an ornamental plant trend at the start of 2019. Certain types of ornamental plants can be quite expensive, and some customers are willing to pay a premium for them to add to their ornamental plant collection. As a result, the number of florists has increased, particularly in Baturaja City. During the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous businesses, including ornamental plant businesses, suffered financial losses. Some businesses have been unable to survive due to losses as a result of people's limited purchasing power for ornamental plants. The goal of this research is to determine the viability of the ornamental plant business in Baturaja, especially in the event of a pandemic. In this study, the census method was used, and the saturated sampling method was used for sampling. The analysis was carried out using a feasibility analysis with R/C ratio analysis. In Baturaja, data was gathered from 15 ornamental plant business actors. With an R/C of 1.65, the study's findings indicated that the ornamental plant business in the city of Baturaja would be viable in the event of a pandemic. 

Keywords: Feasibility study, ornamental plant business, pandemic Covid



Bisnis tanaman hias merupakan bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan dan menguntungkan, apalagi setelah terjadi trend tanaman hias di awal tahun 2019. Beberapa jenis tanaman hias dapat dijual dengan harga yang tinggi dan konsumen mau membeli dengan harga tinggi tersebut, untuk menambah koleksi. Fenomena ini juga terjadi di kota Baturaja. Selama pandemi Covid-19, banyak bisnis yang merugi, termasuk bisnis tanaman hias. Turun nya daya beli masyarakat juga berpengaruh terhadap bisnis tanaman hias. Membuat para pelaku usaha bisnis ini tidak mampu bertahan karena merugi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha tanaman hias di kota Baturaja khususnya pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sensus dan metode penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah metode acak jenuh.  Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam pengolahan data penelitian adalah analisis kelayakan menggunakan R/C ratio. Sedangkan data yang dikumpulkan berasal dari 15 pelaku usaha tanaman hias di kota Baturaja.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha tanaman hias di kota Baturaja di masa pandemic Covid masih layak untuk terus diusahakan dengan nilai R/C sebesar 1.65.

Kata kunci: Analisis kelayakan, bisnis tanaman hias, pandemic Covid



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How to Cite
sari, fifian, & Munajat, M. (2021). FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ORNAMENTAL PLANT BUSINESS IN COVID PANDEMIC AT BATURAJA OKU SOUTH SUMATERA. MBIA, 20(2), 186–192. https://doi.org/10.33557/mbia.v20i2.1415
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